Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Halloween is over once again. The residue of the holiday is still around. Including the emotional stuff attached to this Pagan holiday. I am looking at the reasons I always get so bogged down when Halloween is over. I think its because no matter how hard I try, the expectations are more than the actuality. The party, festive, be happy ideas are great, but I always want more.

I'm thinking about the rest of the year. Well, this is going to take a lot of my time, I know. I have some catching up to do.

Please go read my HubPages blogs - they're a lot more readable than this. For today, I am saying - Peace!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

BAD FUN - Do I Have Time For This?

Not knowing where you are going in life is supposed to be a BAD thing! I have tried to play that way, but still I think in the depths of my being that not knowing where I am going is FUN! BADFUN! but enjoyable. At the very least, enjoyable. Even now, nearing the dreaded retirement age, trying to know where I'm going, even when it seems so clear that the where I'm going is nowhere, is still so much more BORING than the BADFUN of ENJOYING I know not what!

I have gotten tired of always LOOKING FOR MEANING in everything.
I haven't been blogging here lately and instead have been obsessively spending my time on the Hub where I have found it so enjoyable to make wicked humor and wait for quite serious comments regarding my inane jokes. My kind of fun! Everyone around me deadly serious - really, me, the only one laughing in the room. Everything outlandishly serious! Which is FUNNY! to me.
You know? like when you say something YOU don't even understand and then look around and people are deligently trying to find something politely complimentary to say to encourage you, even though they know you just jumped off the deepest end! For a moment. Those moments of freefall I cherish. And make a permanent place in my brain for the images of the looks on their faces! REALLY IT IS BADFUN!
This year's first mask was rather silly. A dragonfly thing that obsessed me since last July. I'll put up a photo here. Working on another that is still in pieces. I usually work that way - molding the clay and pinching it and letting it fall apart, then putting it back together. This may not be "fine art" this may just be "art therapy". Ask me if I care! It goes nowhere, and that's somehow wonderful! Much better than lethargy, at the very least!

It is fun to work with the clay, the photos, the videos and not have to try to explain any of it to anyone. Let it alone. See what you see. It is pure communication that way. Don't even worry about what you think of it, and especially don't worry about whether your friends will like it!

Ya - BADFUN! You can find some more of my blogs on the Hub @ Mega1. Try a little BADFUN of your own! The only rule is - cause no harm, to anyone or anything.
But DO WE have time for this? Do we DARE NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS? It is a way that leads to relaxing, and may save your silly life! BADFUN! (more fun at my hubpages see below)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

current beadwork

These beaded rosettes and a barrette are examples of my current work

I started beading when I was about 16 so it has been awhile. It began with one of those little craft looms and a fascination with Native style designs. Over the years I have experimented with many styles but I still like Native designs best. I have never had a teacher, but my inspiration comes from old things, nature, and things I see in museums. I often sit down to bead a rosette and have no idea what it will look like. Other times I muse on the design for days before I put it on graph paper, and then it still turns out different. I've been selling my work to a leather worker who mounts the rosettes on leather jackets and bags. I also make hand-laced leather apparel and bags, but I am still a beginner at it. For more images, please see my website adahsarts.itgo.com or stay tuned here as I learn to post on this blog.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I'm thinking about nothing pretty much all day today - that happens sometimes. Its a more visual day.

These pics are from the Masques for Owein 2008 video I made last year and want to load here but I can't get it to load. I'm still learning about all of this.
Going through old projects that I've never shared with anyone is a good idea sometimes - throwing stuff out and editing etc. Glad to have a place to share things that would otherwise just sit on the shelf.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Today August 25 2009 I discover >>>

I discover new things everyday, without meaning to. Today, first off, I find the site engrish.com all about those wacky misuses of English on foreign signs and instructions - a whole website is dedicated to even blogging (brogging) in engrish-speak. OK, many knew about this already but I discovered it today. And now I've started thinking in engrish and I want to inflict it on even those who don't think it all that funny.

Then, (when reading a great book called Off the Beaten Track by Jerry Parker, a naturalist writing about Sonoma and specifically the valley and mountain where I live) I discover with his help Chuang Tzu - who famously dreamed of being a butterfly and then was no longer sure which was the real thing - man dreaming? or butterfly dreaming?

And I was sad when the day started! I was sad, and bored, and frustrated with the loneliness and meaningless-ness of it all. My tasks seemed dreary and the fog was just fog. Now I have hope again. Thank you internet! Thank you Jerry Parker!

It also seems important to me, somehow, that all of this knowledge is available instantaneously since I am now a "senior" = which reminds me to research that word and see if I can find out when all this talk about "seniors" started and why. Why can't we just be the "old folks"? I like the term, and it describes us, while "senior" is so relative. ah well. But anyhow - the time seems short and if I want knowledge I must grab it fast!

Chuang Tzu says it for me "Already my will is vacant and blank. I go nowhere and don't know how far I've gone. I go and come and don't know where to stop. I've already been there and back, and I don't know when the journey is done. I ramble and relax in unbounded vastness. Great Knowledge enters in, and I don't know where it will ever end."

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What I'd Like to Know

Remember in the 70's when everyone was talking about "dream learning"? That was the theory that one could learn things by subliminally listening to tapes while asleep. I was intrigued and I would have tried it, but instead I went to sleep each night exhausted and didn't want to stress my brain with more learning.

But now I'm still lazy but not so exhausted and I would really like to try it . Here are some of the subjects I would have piped into my sleeping brain - things I'm too lazy to research during the day but would like to know more about:


and subtitles for that course would include:
what is a Democrat?
what is a Republican?
how does pork barrelling work?
how come political talk show hosts can say anything they want AND represent it as TRUTH?



Where did all the "Third World Countries" go - or
what are they calling those nations now and how has anything changed for them since 1980?

LIGHT TRAVEL (not meaning "travelling light" but rather travelling on actual light)

that would be a good beginning, I guess.
